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История про сопромат
Год 1981, учеба в славном УАИ, второй курс, начало февраля. Только что
благополучно сдан экзамен по сопромату и начинаются законные зимние
каникулы. На следующий день – вперед, развлекаться в столицу! :) Не
подумайте чего – просто родня у меня на Украине, а туда обычно попадал я
через Москву самолетом, а оттуда до Днепропетровска поездом. Это сейчас
самолет в некотором роде роскошь, а тогда вполне доступное даже студенту
средство перемещения в пространстве. Ну и звало и манило некоторое
количество одноклассников, поступивших в Москву, и как бы учившихся там
в разных продвинутых институтах....

Один из моих друганов, Хамит, в дальнейшем «старик Хэм» или просто Хэм,
умный и сообразительный перец, поступивший без проблем в Керосинку или в
просторечии МИНХиГП им. Губкина, за полтора года «учебы» настолько,
по-видимому, расслабился, что когда я ввалился к нему в комнату на
шестнадцатом этаже общаги, где-то в районе Беляево, был смурной и злой
на весь мир. На естественный вопрос, что за дела, поведал, что в
очередной (четвертый) раз не сдал сопромат, что завтра ему дается
последняя попытка, и что в случае неудачи светят ему сапоги и славная
Советская армия. А тогда с этим дело было весьма строго, особенно
проблемно было студентам, вылетавшим из московских вузов. Соседи по
комнате, веселые уроженцы Феодосии, два Шурика, подтвердили, что да,
беда, как-то надо решать проблему и тут же ломанулись в магазин. Короче,
к четырем вечера, в комнате сидело уже челов 10 местных студентов (в
т.ч. один негр и один вьетнамец), и штуки три девок, явно найденных в
окрестностях студгородка. Если думаете, что все обсуждали хэмовы беды,
то глубоко заблуждаетесь, ибо половина была такими же расп…ями, с такими
же проблемами, только относилась к ним попроще. Только где-то в
двенадцатом часу, когда все было выпито, народ вспомнил, что блин завтра
же снова пересдачи, надо бы как-то реагировать и разбрелся по своим
нычкам, кто с девками, кто с… ну не важно :). И тут пьяный Хэм предлагает
не менее пьяному мне, а давай, Игореха, сдай за меня экзамен завтра,
типа ты же только что его в Уфе сдал, какие проблемы? Я ессно охренел,
ты чего, Хэм, спятил, ты позавчера сдавал, а завтра с твоей фамилией
другой перец полезет сдавать, да вмиг вычислят, а хуже будет только
тебе. Ну давай, говорит, твою фотку в зачетку вклеим… Ну умник, где ж я
фотку в спальном районе в двенадцать ночи найду и печать институтскую
сверху, давай лучше я тебя «натаскаю»… Ну давай… Хрен там, уснули через
пятнадцать минут как суслики…
В шесть часов побудка – так принято, ибо не успеть к 8.30 все дела
сделать и доехать до Керосинки. Побудку, надо сказать, я наблюдал весьма
оригинальную. Над одним из Шуриков висела обычная книжная полка, а на
ней стоял не менее обычный, всегда включенный однопрограммный динамик и
его шнур еле-еле доставал до розетки, так что динамик стоял на краю
полки, а шнурок был внатяг. Дальше догадываетесь… Ну так вот – в шесть
начинал играть гимн СССР, народ начинал ворочаться и Шурик тоже, задевал
рукой за шнур, приемник падал на Шурика, начинались матюги, ну и не
встать после этого было никак нельзя. Ессно, Хэм - полный ноль перед
сопроматом и снова начинает базар по меня и экзамен. А мне тоже
нехорошо, физически, но видя напряги другана, сдаюсь, поехали. Как с
зачеткой быть, с преподом, даже не думали, плюнули и поехали. А надо
сказать, что Хэм – ортодоксальный татарин, чернявый, да еще на фотке
бритый под ноль (сам брил перед его отъездом в Москву), вылитый зек, да
еще смурной. Я тоже не блондин, но похожести никакой не наблюдалось .
Короче, поехали, насколько помню, автобус 108 до м. Беляево (если ошибся
– давно было), ну духан в автобусе был соответствующий... Прибыли в
Керосинку, снова вопрос – а как, собсно...? Ну ладно, Хэм в деканат за
направлением (последним), приносит, вкладываем его в зачетку, но не туда
где фотка, а на страничку с экзаменом, т. е на 3 странички правее от
фотки, это важно :). Я заруливаю в искомую аудиторию, а Хэм в свободную
аудиторию напротив...
Несмотря на серьезность момента, мне доставило большое удовольствие
лицезреть вытянувшиеся физии и квадратные, насколько это возможно после
вечерних посиделок, глазки некоторых товарищей. Понять их можно –
приехал кекс из Уфы, пил с ними водку накануне, и какого хера теперь он
делает на ИХ экзамене??? :) Я же сую зачетку в общую стопку, беру билет,
профессор на меня даже не посмотрел, спросил фамилию, записал номер
билета и я свалил за парту. Профессор, если не изменяет память, имел
странную фамилию – Сердий, имя-отчество я так никогда и не узнал.
Выпускники Керосинки начала 80-х должны его помнить – характерная
бородка клинышком, очки, маленький росточком, но пузатенький –
классический московский препод. Просидел около часа, сопромат предмет
обширный и программы в Уфе и Москве отличались существенно, первый
вопрос – без проблем, ибо свежи воспоминания пятидневной давности,
второй вызвал некоторые напряги, а третий «мы еще не проходили», в общем
моя хорошая память и некоторое количество познаний в общей физике
позволили профессору поставить мне законный трояк с назидательным
ворчанием себе под нос, что-то вроде «можете ведь, суки, когда
припрет... ». Наступил самый ответственный момент... Проф берет зачетку,
которую я ему услужливо подсунул открытой на первом семестре второго
курса, ставит трояк в нее и в ведомость и видно, что хочет
поинтересоваться, а каковы успехи этого урода на первом курсе... листает
зачетку в обратном направлении, ну думаю, пипец старику Хэму, до фотки
одна страничка, думаю если перевернет ее, хватаю ее и быстро съе...сь
из аудитории, а там будь, что будет. Но свершилось чудо, он ее
захлопнул, отдал мне, типа вали отсюда, урод, и больше не попадайся мне
Когда я впорхнул в аудиторию напротив, Хэм угрюмо смотрел с высоты 7
этажа на Ленинский проспект, а на доске, которая была вначале, по-моему,
чистая, красовались нарисованные мелом картины, наверное, из жизни Хэма,
достойные Дали и Босха, запомнился трехголовый кошак, несколько
непристойных фрагментов, цитаты из Швейка и Химэна, короче перенервничал
парень в полный рост... Ну, радость была ессно неописуемой, и с 12 дня и
до Курского вокзала мы прошлись ПЕШКОМ по всем открытым кабакам
(напомню, год 81, количество кабаков на единицу площади столицы
составляло 1% от нынешнего) и в поезд я садился уже «непомнюкак»...

Когда я вернулся в Москву после Днепра через неделю веселого украинского
оттяга, Хэм выглядел гораздо свежее, сразу прикупили билеты на самолет
на Уфу на 23.30 и поехали гулять по городу, затариться продуктами (81
год!), подарками домой. На вопрос, а когда нужно в Домодедово быть,
чтобы без проблем улететь, Хэм сказал, что все ништяк, не надо никакого
Домодедова, регистрация всех самолетов на Уфу делается на Аэровокзале, а
оттуда автобус прямо к трапу в Домодедово. Я уже слышал про такой
сервис, поэтому спорить не стал. Приехали на Ленинградку часов в шесть
вечера, пошли в кафешку на втором этаже аэровокзала, взяли немножко
коньячку (могли все-таки студенты тогда себе позволить), мороженого и с
удовольствием посидели. Где-то в районе девяти вечера я пожелал узнать
из какой секции регистрация, на что Хэм сказал, что еще рано, скоро сами
объявят, через полчаса я начал уже беспокоиться и мы пошли искать нужную
секцию. Какой же был жестокий облом, когда выяснилось, что нужно ехать
на регистрацию именно в Домодедово, а время уже 21.45, а регистрация
заканчивается в 23.00. Реально туда можно было попасть только на тачке,
а у меня в кармане оставалась только пятерка и у Хэма трояк, а таксюги
просили минимум двадцатник (охренительные деньги по тем временам), да
еще дождаться попутчиков. А законный автобус ехал законные час-двадцать,
т. е. я не успевал всяко, да еще очередь на него отстоять надо было, в
текущий автобус я уже не попадал. Короче, дождались пока кондуктор всех
обилетила и свалила, дали водиле пятерку, загрузили барахло (надо
сказать, что у меня была здоровенная сумка на 15 кг лимонов и апельсинов
себе и хэмовой родне, еще 3 сумки и кукла сетрице), сказали «жми
родимый», распрощались с Хэмом, я ессно высказал, все что о нем думал,
он сказал, что все это правда, а автобус стартанул. Многие прекрасно
знают маршрут от аэровокзала до Домодедова, а также, что движение и
пробки тогда в Москве были немногим меньше нышешних. Но, поверьте,
господа, автобус доехал до Домодедова за 55 мин, цифра точная ибо я
только и делал, что смотрел на часы. Но увы мне! когда я со своим
скарбом подлетел в 23.00 к нужной секции, на табло уже опадали буквы
У Ф А, и мне было сказано, что, парень, все самолет уже того, ну попробуй
на посадку. Там тоже облом, ибо мой билет уже был продан... Короче,
перспектива, в кармане трояк, просроченный билет, куча барахла,
мобильника нет :)), грустно поперся к админу аэропорта узнавать, что
делать в таких случаях... Не зная повезло или нет, скорее все-таки
повезло, когда она мне сказала, что есть один билет на этот же рейс, но
завтра, через сутки. Заимел я этот билет почему-то бесплатно, просто
вернув просроченный (во были времена!) и потащился искать свободное
место. Тогда Домодедово был еще не нынешний красавец, а так, чуть выше
среднего. В общем, сутки я просидел на своем барахле, изредка бегая в
сортир и совмещая рискованные отлучки от барахла поеданием холодной
курицы и питием фанты из автоматов (о, это была лучшая часть
моей суточной отсидки, напоминаю: 81 год, фанта – это европа!). Когда же
пришло время топать на регистрацию, выяснилось, что у меня перевес
багажа, и что оставшихся бабок уже не хватает его оплатить. Хорошо, что
тетя на весах вошла в мое положение и простила неоплаченные лишние 9 кг.
В самолет я садился уже без денег. В Уфу прилетел в 3.30 по местному,
возник вопрос, а как домой без денег? Пришлось расковырять блок «Явы»,
который вез товарищам, извлечь пачку и продать ее какому-то мужику,
торчащему на ночной остановке в ожидания первого автобуса на город. Ну,
дальнейшее все стандартно, приехав домой, сутки я только спал и в
промежутках хавал все что было дома.
Вот такие веселые времена были, господа!
e107 дата 12.11.2005 - 14:20:59 Читать/Комментить: 2502отпавить с помощью email кому-нибудь для печати

jianbin0302 |09.08.17 : 04:17
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Зарегистрирован: 01.03.17 : 09:59


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BKI89yLem |03.01.19 : 10:34
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Storage area, 26, is one kd shoes in the largest child, dell - garage in 2002, the dad announced over sixteen years of career, finally paid 40. 2% on threes survey card. From a really young age, Stephen around the shooting learned how to shoot in the feet of the learn, when dad refused to consider him to the hornets teaching, Stephen will be pursed jaws, not because can't visit those big-name players, the old you might be, but because he also strive to be with my dad, to employ his shot.

At the age of 9, garage is of his own stephen curry shoes amateur league teams of players, only if the coach should outside shot collapse at the opponent's zone will possibly be sent. Recalled the yourself, garage proudly said: "when When i was a defense authorities, all start from there. "

To go here we are at curry shoes the original text, if the garage near the ball in midfield, people tend to overlook essentially the most important thing: pool basketball skills. Sonya, thanks for you to his mother, then some sort of 5 feet tall 3, cordial and some stubborn woman again simultaneously, she was in senior high school played point guard, embracing the volleyball after in to the campus of Virginia technology, and meet the garage there's father. "If I dribble to the coast, I have to decide on to shoot or move, it's my limit. "Dell mentioned, "people started for Stephen impression is all the guy can beautiful posture hit photographs, but before becoming a new striker, he already was an improved control player, people are likely to ignore it. After his dribble shot, is I the most beautiful moments. Thanks to the mother. ".

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BKI89yLem |03.01.19 : 10:44
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

As being a core point guard, garage along with other three split the difference is he is the team attract and organizer. In other words, he can't become novak on the perimeter around anticipating kd shoes someone else to give him the ball. We take novak into a comparison, everything also - reference counted for us each a 3-pointer helps objects, and to period, after statistics, novak found this season hit 3-pointers, 149, 146 is usually a teammate's pass and hit; Three-point shots hit your second more this season Ryan - Anderson isn't a exception, he hit curry shoes inside 213, has 206 relies upon your friend's passing.

The garage He all the 3-pointer this season, you can find 105 of 3 seriously isn't sending (272), to put it differently, is to create prospects, nasty sto vote. This trick from the team's star, such as flow of harden, vladimir radmanovic, kobe Bryant, Robert, but often because a person errs, physical strength consumption, to the number of that time period few, and the hit ratio just isn't high. But obviously is an exception in the Treasury, his three-point shot 105 times just isn't assists quantity highest in alliance,stephen curry shoes even better than lebron James thrown in to more all 3-pointers, as well as the shooting is in some sort of league all five this kind of not assists free-throw shooting players on the fifth (41. 8%), both equally quality and quantity. Used together, the three points to be able to thrown into space seriously isn't an easy thing, should have the forty percent three-point shots should create his own photos, this how tired! Probably the most precious is, no matter when and where, and how to make simple moves, garage has an increased percentage. It is no wonder the manager of the enthusiast when Bob myers just lately told the Associated Mass media said: "as long because it's garage, to get the ball is reasonable. inch.

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BKI89yLem |17.02.19 : 03:52
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Garage, 26, is one kd shoes in the largest child, dell : garage in 2002, his / her dad announced over 16 years of career, finally handed over 40. 2% on threes report card. From a quite young age, Stephen round the shooting learned how to shoot with the feet of the master, when dad refused to look at him to the hornets training, Stephen will be pursed jaws, not because can't go to see those big-name players, the old you're, but because he also need to be with my dad, to train his shot.

At the age of 9, garage is of his very own stephen curry shoes amateur league teams of players, only if the coach needs to outside shot collapse for the opponent's zone will become sent. Recalled the one self, garage proudly said: "when My spouse and i was a defense specialists, all start from presently there. "

To go returning to curry shoes the original text, when the garage near the basketball in midfield, people tend to overlook just about the most important thing: pool ball skills. Sonya, thanks to help his mother, then a new 5 feet tall 3, cordial and some stubborn woman again concurrently, she was in secondary school played point guard, embracing the volleyball after into the campus of Virginia technology, and meet the storage area there's father. "If I dribble to the coast, I have to settle on to shoot or pass, it's my limit. "Dell mentioned, "people started for Stephen impression is all he is able to beautiful posture hit pictures, but before becoming some sort of striker, he already was an even better control player, people are likely to ignore it. After his dribble shot, is I the most wonderful moments. Thanks to his / her mother. ".

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BKI89yLem |27.02.19 : 13:42
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

A couple of steals in his Collection, stephen curry shoes in the first 1 fourth, and the two steals to garage an overall of 106 times within the playoffs career steals, which usually transcends the rick Barry, became the steals from the history of the warriors team in the playoffs.

Garage into seven three-pointers inside game, this also let the playoff three-pointers hit number as much as 261, match the Robert horry, 9th three points in playoff heritage list. Distance comes 9th Chauncey billups, he likewise only six three details.

37 points in just three games, came curry shoes your, and this is his there is much surprise, including playoffs) 9th score 35 + online game with three alone, a lot more than 7 times of Russell westbrook, the top of league.

So many record the initial world war, there is no doubt the game can be reported to be the garage in this series played the most beneficial game. The first a few games, garage is averaging 27. 3 points and several. 7 rebounds, 6 aids, shooting 40. 3% and also 35. 3% from several, compared with the frequent season shooting stage, a particular degree of decline, but the game, garage completely insane. The blazers in several players to hound your ex, but no one can disturb his rhythm. Car port, as it were, in the game again to find out "day day" feeling.

11 three-point brand out hand, hit kevin durant shoes 7 goals, including vast ranges of three points. Wearing warriors baseball hat sitting from the stands to watch the particular old garage, it also appears to obtain son's playing god look like some incredible performance. The lens for the old garage, he could not help but shook his head.

Of course, it doesn't matter what other people think, garage three points because of their own performance with total confidence. In the 3 rd quarter the warriors having 88-58 big lead your blazers, garage outside the particular three-point line again, the ball faraway from the one hand, he or she turned back field, the ball firmly in the basket, the whole upheaval. Can put the three points in this particular state, the other bash can say what?

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BobbyLem |12.03.19 : 10:31
Комментарии: 2892

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BobbyLem |13.04.19 : 18:38
Комментарии: 2892

Зарегистрирован: 29.09.17 : 14:18

New 2018 basketball -- curry 5
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"I got accustomed to my evaluation, " curry were recalled,kevin durant shoes|kd shoes "people said I ended up being too short, don't play college basketball, then to the same reason that I can not play in the NBA. People don't think I can play guard, then said I am an excellent pure point guard, until October of not too long ago, I also found how the general manager of funny in my opinion as the league 3rd good shooting guard. We've not yet fully play their full potential, so i set a higher regular to himself, committed to continuously improve to get more outstanding. "

"We've never met you aren't asics shoes him so great shooting in all directions, " warriors coach tag Jackson said, "and roll, stop and go empty-handed, capture hand, step back, leg, in the face connected with two double forced to help......, any thought of firing mode, you can see he's astonishingly. We have never seen anyone can get to this level, his Steve Nash (microblogging) played a top level, the two-time MVP award, shooting is incredible, but it is usually a level. And his or her other like reggie burns, Chris mullin, such because dell and I performed together - Ellis, dell -- Arsenal, they are all fantastic striker, but they didn't garage so thorough, this guy is no limit. "

Timer and dance, 6 minutes stephen curry shoes in addition to 30 seconds, Davis is doing everything we can to close to the garage, but still later step. Garage again to finish a beautiful jumper - it isn't strictly jumper, his toe will be from the ground, under the condition of the body is still rising, use forefinger and middle finger touch to accomplish the hand. Treasury entire body slightly back. This not only makes his moves even more difficult to block, as well as involving the ball and floor with an additional 10 degrees Perspective. NBA players to moment takes 0. 6 seconds on average, the garage from preparing action to dial this ball moves, it solely takes 0. 4 just a few seconds. Fast to make up to the deficiency of the storage area height, the ball well stay away from the opponent blocking fly toward the basket at the same time, the look of garage is usually along with them. His arm still moves if the posture, and of his teammates has begun for you to pose three gestures...

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BKI89yLem |28.04.19 : 12:49
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

2 steals in his Toolbox, stephen curry shoes in the first 1 / 4, and the two steals to garage a total of 106 times from the playoffs career steals, which usually transcends the rick Barry, became the steals from the history of the warriors team from the playoffs.

Garage into seven three-pointers from the game, this also let their playoff three-pointers hit number as much as 261, match the Robert horry, ninth three points in playoff historical past list. Distance comes 9th Chauncey billups, he also only six three factors.

37 points in only three games, came curry shoes your, and this is his there is much surprise, including playoffs) 8th score 35 + video game with three alone, greater than 7 times of Russell westbrook, the top of league.

So many record the first world war, there is no doubt the game can be reported to be the garage in this series played the top game. The first 3 games, garage is averaging 28. 3 points and some. 7 rebounds, 6 allows, shooting 40. 3% in addition to 35. 3% from several, compared with the standard season shooting stage, some degree of decline, but the game, garage completely ridiculous. The blazers in a number of players to hound your ex, but no one can disturb his rhythm. Garage, as it were, in the game again to discover "day day" feeling.

11 three-point range out hand, hit kevin durant shoes seven goals, including vast miles of three points. Wearing warriors baseball hat sitting inside stands to watch the actual old garage, it also appears to possess son's playing god are some incredible performance. The lens to the old garage, he can't help but shook his / her head.

Of course, regardless of what other people think, garage three points because of their own performance with overall confidence. In the 3rd quarter the warriors with 88-58 big lead the particular blazers, garage outside the actual three-point line again, the ball faraway from the one hand, he / she turned back field, the ball firmly in to the basket, the whole uproar. Can put the three points on this state, the other gathering can say what?

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BobbyLem |09.05.19 : 07:07
Комментарии: 2892

Зарегистрирован: 29.09.17 : 14:18

New 2018 basketball -- curry 5
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Garage beneath the stephen curry shoes second dribbling is toward the first turn on the left side of the body without any slowdown, his or her footsteps choiceness and quick, soon arrived at the position you wish to go. Unlike most pitcher like the midst of gravity down, then struggled to jump to finish, the garage action far more concise. Don't waste any time and energy, just jump off the soil, slightly triggered his taking pictures action instantly. "He is not only one of the most pure great scorer, he even gave shot two words to create the definition, the complete shooting art played a new revolutionary role. "The bobcats go scout work Adam - Mr Libby said Treasury.

Counter-top frames in 6 units and 31 seconds, garage from his chest slightly next point position organized the ball, the index finger and also middle finger instinct to find gaps in the rubber ball center. His arm gently lifted back, eventually left his palm the basketball, but still control among his fingers. His right arm into every one of the joints is close in order to 90 degree Angle, through the shoulder to the elbow, from the elbow to the wrist, from wrist to talk about, as if a bistro waiter in carrying any tray.

Glen Davis clippers, 289 - pound in the front, asics shoes need to speed up their action inside the Treasury, since the childhood to lay a great foundation for complete to garage in different state, the right arm and shooting can keep perfect posture and energy. And in addition to perfect hand movements, garage features a precise shot needed yet another factor: enough deep muscle mass memory. Shooting touch just isn't a proper adjective, any one player, able to throw an excellent shooting there is although one secret to all - 7 days a week, year after year process, until a set connected with complex dynamic chain implanted into your muscles. Garage never resist such as monks meditate boring practice, it also helped when he graduated from senior high school, eventually grow into another leading little-known Davidson university NCAA elite last seven.

"Game changing, there is no time to kevin durant shoes|kd shoes you approach your own shooting motion is correct, " curry said, "you can only make use of their daily at working out ground building muscle storage, hit and believe that we can. We're so plenty of practice in training, so as to the game, you can count on instinct to react. But if it is not correctly, the game will think very strange. ".

BKI89yLem |12.05.19 : 23:22
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Finals very last season, Arsenal's performance kevin durant shoes seriously isn't very ideal, although the data well, but the efficiency is not high, and his again pass error, defensive irvine was created key 3 points are becoming a "black spots" second, apparently, in hope that in this particular to prove himself.

No, after the opening, the three points from the database and didn't struck two shots, on the actual contrary, the knight about three points would hit numerous over there. Garage or consentrate on defense, he para including lebron, Irwin, JR., has become people already, also have got successful prevention.

In moving, did well in your Treasury, the ball to some teammate are fed adequately, but Mr Chu in a number of opportunity attack. 04 seconds left inside the first quarter, garage dribble to the frontcourt, rhythm, but he is confident the take some steps away from the three-point line and necessary to make curry shoes techniques, the ball! This is usually the warriors in the primary 3-pointer today. Soon, the Treasury and using second chances around the right side of the bottom again in a 3 factors!

It is worth mentioning that this opening, the garage right arm was wearing a black gear, it is usually because his right elbow inside the game before the old injury carries a relapse, however, with the game, he has to lift off protective devices. Gear, seems like, has affected the take care of, before he took off when i feel much better.

Throughout against lebron James, the defense has been doing very well in his or her Arsenal, but after he was lebron was a young knocked out, the referee provides stephen curry shoes blown the garage hindering foul, garage on the earth is various, make action for the referee said lebron elbow.

In breakthrough, garage is usually a difficult moves, all kinds of people all the approach up his defense, including lebron, but Treasury first in a myriad of dazzling dribble move Thompson, right after air and rival impact cases, the hard to be able to score.

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BKI89yLem |13.05.19 : 01:09
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

"I got accustomed to my evaluation, " curry were recalled,kevin durant shoes "people said I has been too short, don't perform college basketball, then for that same reason that I can't play in the NBA. People don't believe I can play safeguard, then said I am an excellent pure point guard, until October of last year, I also found the general manager of funny to me as the league next good shooting guard. We have not yet fully participate in their full potential, so i set a higher typical to himself, committed to continuously improve to be more outstanding. "

"We've never met having it . curry shoes him so great shooting everywhere, " warriors coach tag Jackson said, "and throw, stop and go empty-handed, capture hand, step back, knee, in the face associated with two double forced to be able to......, any thought of taking pictures mode, you can see he could be astonishingly. We have never ever seen anyone can attain this level, his Steve Nash (microblogging) played a top level, the two-time MVP honor, shooting is incredible, but additionally it is a level. And his / her other like reggie burns, Chris mullin, such since dell and I enjoyed together - Ellis, dell -- Arsenal, they are just about all fantastic striker, but many people didn't garage so comprehensive, this guy is absolutely no limit. "

Timer as well as dance, 6 minutes stephen curry shoes in addition to 30 seconds, Davis has been doing everything we can to near to the garage, but still delayed step. Garage again to accomplish a beautiful jumper - it may not be strictly jumper, his toe will be outside the ground, under the condition in the body is still growing, use forefinger and middle finger touch to complete the hand. Treasury system slightly back. This not only makes his moves even more difficult to block, as well as involving the ball and floor on an additional 10 degrees Point of view. NBA players to period takes 0. 6 seconds on average, the garage from preparing action to dial this ball moves, it just takes 0. 4 moments. Fast to make up for the deficiency of the garage height, the ball well prevent the opponent blocking fly toward the basket in the process, the look of garage is definitely along with them. His arm still moves if the posture, and of the teammates has begun in order to pose three gestures...

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BKI89yLem |28.08.19 : 04:32
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

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BKI89yLem |28.08.19 : 07:52
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Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

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BKI89yLem |12.09.19 : 11:37
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Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Storage area, 26, is one kd shoes of the largest child, dell : garage in 2002, the dad announced over sixteen years of career, finally paid 40. 2% on threes statement card. From a very young age, Stephen about the shooting learned how to shoot for the feet of the master, when dad refused for taking him to the hornets instruction, Stephen will be pursed oral cavity, not because can't visit those big-name players, the old that you are, but because he also wish to be with my dad, to employ his shot.

At the age of 9, garage is of his own stephen curry shoes amateur league teams associated with players, only if the coach has to outside shot collapse on the opponent's zone will become sent. Recalled the ourselves, garage proudly said: "when I was a defense specialists, all start from presently there. "

To go to curry shoes the original text, once the garage near the baseball in midfield, people tend to overlook just about the most important thing: pool baseball skills. Sonya, thanks in order to his mother, then some sort of 5 feet tall 3, cordial and some stubborn woman again as well, she was in secondary school played point guard, turning to the volleyball after in the campus of Virginia support, and meet the garage there's father. "If I dribble on the coast, I have to pick to shoot or go, it's my limit. "Dell explained, "people started for Stephen impression is all they can beautiful posture hit pictures, but before becoming the striker, he already was a greater control player, people often ignore it. After their dribble shot, is I the most wonderful moments. Thanks to their mother. ".

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BKI89yLem |12.09.19 : 11:42
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

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And your second half, knight to defensive strategy is apparently shaken, they don't have an excessive amount of double again, help, interestingly, JR in 1 with 1 against Arsenal, and directly put your garage was pushed on the ground.

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