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Ее выбирай тщательнейшим образом, даже если это нервирует каптерщика и сержантов. Главное, чтобы "костюмчик" сидел. Пуще всего обращай внимание, как сидят сапоги. Может оказаться, что размер вроде твой, а жмут. Значит, ищи другую полноту. Лучше час промучаться при выборе "кирзы", чем потом месяц страдать от кровавых мозолей. А вот зимнюю шапку можно брать и на размер больше: в морозном карауле ощутишь все преимущества, а летом подгонишь под нужный формат.

Это, конечно, не все тонкости, но нельзя объять необъятного.
Однако не могу умолчать о друзьях-сослуживцах. Товарищей ищи в первую очередь, причем держись весельчаков и мастеров на все руки, они помогут и морально, и в нелегком быту. И еще. Внимательно слушай распоряжения и советы офицеров и сержантов, а также действуй строго в соответствии с их указаниями. Иначе прослывешь туповатым, неисполнительным малым и не очистишься от клейма тугодума до конца службы.

В заключительной части нашего курса мы еще поговорим о раздолбайстве, "тянучести" и, разумеется, о неуставняке. А пока -- здравия желаю!
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Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Throw three points isn't the whole garage daily work, and don't forget, Stephen curry is this team in assists and also steals, he averaged 6. 7 assists in the regular season, 14 inside league and the playoffs stephen curry shoes is usually averaging 9. 3 assists because league the first! Let's imagine an image, 40 minutes per game inside the Treasury, attack launched lots of times, there are always a number of ball he wasn't inside the outside, but the baseball inside, attracted a dual... What will happen after that? There was a man they can tell you the response, curry shoes he called clay : Thompson, from the older state warriors, he made this year 211 3-pointers, finished third inside the league, and that 211 3-pointers, 68 hails from the assists of Stephen curry.

12-13 time to contrast the car port and ray Allen throughout '05 -' 06 - Allen into 269 3-pointers, and he's the Seattle supersonics. Of which year, Allen's 269 associated with 653 three-point shots, opportunity 41. 2%, as Stephen -- 272 of 600 shots in his Arsenal, of up to 45. 3%; That 12 months, Alan ball attack generate 3 ratio is a lot less than a quarter, compared together with 38. 6% in repository; That year, Allen's assists the phone number 3. 7, less as opposed to Treasury for three facilitates. So the outline, the image of alternative 3-pointers hand along the garage outline: he not only completed the sharpshooter background, his teammates for his creation of free-throw chances into; He will also look for opportunities concurrently, through the ball development, stopped for no helps 3-pointer of shots. In addition, he also can pass assists, "create" another glass pitcher - clay - Thompson! Not merely can catch vote, may also urgent stopped, can create more opportunities to others, this star, unique! I'm kevin durant shoes afraid, just use "striker" two words are already unable to define Stephen curry, also need to be in with the "great" rhetoric.

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BKI89yLem |17.04.19 : 22:06
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Throw three points is not the whole garage daily work, and don't ignore, Stephen curry is the particular team in assists as well as steals, he averaged 6. 7 assists within the regular season, 14 inside the league and the playoffs stephen curry shoes is usually averaging 9. 3 assists because the league the first! Let's imagine a photo, 40 minutes per game from the Treasury, attack launched a multitude of times, there are always a number of ball he wasn't from the outside, but the soccer ball inside, attracted a twice... What will happen after that? There was a man he'll tell you the answer, curry shoes he called clay : Thompson, from the older state warriors, he made this season 211 3-pointers, finished third inside league, and that 211 3-pointers, 68 is derived from the assists of Stephen curry.

12-13 time of year to contrast the car port and ray Allen with '05 -' 06 - Allen into 269 3-pointers, and he could be the Seattle supersonics. In which year, Allen's 269 of 653 three-point shots, opportunity 41. 2%, as Stephen : 272 of 600 images in his Arsenal, of up to 45. 3%; That 12 months, Alan ball attack create 3 ratio is a lot less than a quarter, compared with 38. 6% in database; That year, Allen's assists the telephone number 3. 7, less as opposed to Treasury for three helps. So the outline, the image of an alternative 3-pointers hand straight down the garage outline: he not simply completed the sharpshooter history, his teammates for his creation of free-throw chances into; He will also look for opportunities at the same time, through the ball development, stopped for no facilitates 3-pointer of shots. In addition, he also can move assists, "create" another pitcher - clay - Thompson! Not just can catch vote, will urgent stopped, can build more opportunities to some others, this star, unique! Now i am kevin durant shoes afraid, just use "striker" two words happen to be unable to define Stephen curry, should be in with the "great" rhetoric.

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BKI89yLem |26.04.19 : 04:28
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

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Table frames in 6 a few minutes and 31 seconds, garage from his chest slightly next point position held up the ball, the index finger along with middle finger instinct to find gaps in the silicone ball center. His wrist gently lifted back, still left his palm the basketball, but still control involving his fingers. His right arm into all the joints is close to 90 degree Angle, in the shoulder to the shoulder, from the elbow towards the wrist, from wrist to talk about, as if a restaurant waiter in carrying any tray.

Glen Davis clippers, 289 - pound in the front, curry shoes need to speed up their action inside Treasury, since the childhood to lay a great foundation for complete to garage in different state, the right arm and shooting can keep perfect posture and energy. And in addition to master hand movements, garage has a precise shot needed a different factor: enough deep lean muscle memory. Shooting touch seriously isn't a proper adjective, anyone player, able to throw an excellent shooting there is yet one secret to all - 7 days a week, year after year train, until a set involving complex dynamic chain implanted into your muscles. Garage never resist such as monks meditate boring train, it also helped any time he graduated from school, eventually grow into a separate leading little-known Davidson higher education NCAA elite last ten.

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BKI89yLem |04.06.19 : 06:42
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

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"We've never met having it . curry shoes him so great shooting everywhere, " warriors coach tag Jackson said, "and roll, stop and go empty-handed, find hand, step back, lower-leg, in the face regarding two double forced to......, any thought of firing mode, you can see he could be astonishingly. We have never seen anyone can achieve this level, his Steve Nash (microblogging) played an increased level, the two-time MVP merit, shooting is incredible, but it is also a level. And his other like reggie callier, Chris mullin, such while dell and I enjoyed together - Ellis, dell : Arsenal, they are many fantastic striker, but many people didn't garage so complete, this guy is zero limit. "

Timer along with dance, 6 minutes stephen curry shoes in addition to 30 seconds, Davis is doing everything we can to nearby the garage, but still later step. Garage again to finish a beautiful jumper - it may not be strictly jumper, his toe will be out of the ground, under the condition on the body is still soaring, use forefinger and middle finger touch to try and do the hand. Treasury body slightly back. This not only makes his moves even more difficult to block, as well as involving the ball and floor on an additional 10 degrees Position. NBA players to time period takes 0. 6 seconds usually, the garage from preparing action to dial the ball moves, it just takes 0. 4 just a few seconds. Fast to make up for your deficiency of the storage area height, the ball well stay away from the opponent blocking fly toward the basket in the operation, the look of garage is obviously along with them. His arm still moves if your posture, and of their teammates has begun to help pose three gestures...

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Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Throw three points seriously isn't the whole garage day-to-day work, and don't neglect, Stephen curry is the particular team in assists along with steals, he averaged 6. 7 assists within the regular season, 14 inside league and the playoffs stephen curry shoes can be averaging 9. 3 assists for the reason that league the first! Let's imagine a graphic, 40 minutes per game in the Treasury, attack launched dozens of times, there are always several ball he wasn't from the outside, but the golf ball inside, attracted a double... What will happen and then? There was a man he can tell you the answer, curry shoes he called clay - Thompson, from the older state warriors, he made in 2010 211 3-pointers, finished third inside the league, and that 211 3-pointers, 68 comes from the assists of Stephen curry.

12-13 season to contrast the storage area and ray Allen inside '05 -' 06 : Allen into 269 3-pointers, and he's the Seattle supersonics. Of which year, Allen's 269 regarding 653 three-point shots, picture 41. 2%, as Stephen - 272 of 600 shots in his Arsenal, of up to 45. 3%; That season, Alan ball attack build 3 ratio is a lot less than a quarter, compared using 38. 6% in databases; That year, Allen's assists the amount 3. 7, less compared to the Treasury for three facilitates. So the outline, the image of alternative 3-pointers hand along the garage outline: he not merely completed the sharpshooter track record, his teammates for his or her creation of free-throw possibilities into; He will also look for opportunities simultaneously, through the ball breakthrough, stopped for no facilitates 3-pointer of shots. Furthermore, he also can move assists, "create" another pitcher - clay - Thompson! Not simply can catch vote, will urgent stopped, can develop more opportunities to others, this star, unique! I'm kevin durant shoes afraid, just use "striker" two words are actually unable to define Stephen curry, also have to be in with the "great" rhetoric.

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BKI89yLem |30.07.19 : 15:25
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

"I got accustomed to my evaluation, " curry were recalled,kd shoes "people said I was too short, don't participate in college basketball, then with the same reason that I cannot play in the NBA. People don't think I can play shield, then said I am an excellent pure point guard, until October of not too long ago, I also found the general manager of funny to me as the league 3rd good shooting guard. We've not yet fully participate in their full potential, i really set a higher typical to himself, committed to continuously improve to be more outstanding. "

"We've never met you aren't curry shoes him so great shooting in all directions, " warriors coach tag Jackson said, "and rotate, stop and go empty-handed, capture hand, step back, calf, in the face associated with two double forced to be able to......, any thought of firing mode, you can see they are astonishingly. We have certainly not seen anyone can get to this level, his Steve Nash (microblogging) played an increased level, the two-time MVP honor, shooting is incredible, but it is also a level. And the other like reggie burns, Chris mullin, such as dell and I competed together - Ellis, dell - Arsenal, they are almost all fantastic striker, but these people didn't garage so extensive, this guy is zero limit. "

Timer along with dance, 6 minutes stephen curry shoes along with 30 seconds, Davis has been doing everything we can to near to the garage, but still overdue step. Garage again to finish a beautiful jumper - it's not strictly jumper, his toe will be outside the ground, under the condition with the body is still increasing, use forefinger and middle finger touch to complete the hand. Treasury body slightly back. This not only makes his moves even more complicated to block, as well as relating to the ball and floor on an additional 10 degrees Viewpoint. NBA players to occasion takes 0. 6 seconds typically, the garage from organizing action to dial this ball moves, it just takes 0. 4 moments. Fast to make up with the deficiency of the garage height, the ball well prevent the opponent blocking fly toward the basket in the operation, the look of garage is always along with them. His arm still moves in the event the posture, and of their teammates has begun in order to pose three gestures...

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Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

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BKI89yLem |26.09.19 : 06:19
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

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BKI89yLem |27.12.19 : 14:40
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Garage beneath the stephen curry shoes second dribbling is toward the start up the left side on the body without any slowdown, his or her footsteps choiceness and quick, soon arrived at the position you intend to go. Unlike most pitcher like the center of gravity down, then struggled to jump to complete, the garage action much more concise. Don't waste any hard work, just jump off the bottom, slightly triggered his shooting action instantly. "He is not only the most pure great scorer, he even gave shot two words to generate the definition, the total shooting art played any revolutionary role. "The bobcats go scout work Adam -- Mr Libby said Treasury.

Countertop frames in 6 a few minutes and 31 seconds, garage from his chest slightly next point position organized the ball, the index finger and also middle finger instinct to find gaps in the rubberized ball center. His arm gently lifted back, still left his palm the ball, but still control between his fingers. His right arm into the many joints is close for you to 90 degree Angle, from your shoulder to the elbow, from the elbow towards wrist, from wrist to refer to, as if a bistro waiter in carrying some sort of tray.

Glen Davis clippers, 289 - pound in front, curry shoes need to speed up their action inside the Treasury, since the childhood to lay a great foundation for complete to garage in a state, the right arm and shooting is able to keep perfect posture and energy. And in addition to master hand movements, garage carries a precise shot needed a different factor: enough deep muscles memory. Shooting touch is not a proper adjective, a single player, able to throw a superb shooting there is but one secret to all - month after month, year after year process, until a set connected with complex dynamic chain implanted into your muscles. Garage never resist including monks meditate boring process, it also helped when he graduated from high school graduation, eventually grow into another leading little-known Davidson school NCAA elite last 8.

"Game changing, there is no time to kd shoes you approach your own shooting action is correct, " curry mentioned, "you can only count on their daily at the training ground building muscle memory space, hit and believe that we can. We're so lots of practice in training, so that you can the game, you can make use of instinct to react. But if it is not in the correct way, the game will feel very strange. ".

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BKI89yLem |30.12.19 : 20:09
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Finals past season, Arsenal's performance kd shoes seriously isn't very ideal, although the info well, but the efficiency is not high, and his rear pass error, defensive irvine was built key 3 points have become a "black spots" minute, apparently, in hope that in this to prove himself.

Absolutely no, after the opening, the three points from the database and didn't reach two shots, on the actual contrary, the knight 3 points would hit a lot of over there. Garage or target defense, he para which includes lebron, Irwin, JR., has been people already, also possess successful prevention.

In moving past, did well in this Treasury, the ball into a teammate are fed effectively, but Mr Chu in lots of opportunity attack. 04 seconds left from the first quarter, garage dribble towards frontcourt, rhythm, but they are confident the take a couple of steps away from the three-point line and it's necessary to make curry shoes moves, the ball! This is usually the warriors in the first 3-pointer today. Soon, the Treasury and using second chances about the right side of the bottom again in a 3 things!

It is worth mentioning that this opening, the garage suitable arm was wearing some sort of black gear, it is additionally because his right elbow within the game before the old injury incorporates a relapse, however, with the game, he has to lift off protective devices. Gear, it appears, has affected the cope with, before he took off when i feel much better.

With against lebron James, the defense has been doing very well in his / her Arsenal, but after he was lebron was an adolescent knocked out, the referee has stephen curry shoes blown the garage stopping foul, garage on the soil is various, make action towards the referee said lebron elbow.

In breakthrough, garage is also a difficult moves, many people all the way up his defense, as well as lebron, but Treasury first in all sorts of dazzling dribble move Thompson, after air and rival impact cases, the hard in order to score.

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BKI89yLem |31.12.19 : 06:47
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Throw three points is just not the whole garage day-to-day work, and don't ignore, Stephen curry is this team in assists and steals, he averaged 6. 7 assists inside regular season, 14 inside the league and the playoffs stephen curry shoes will be averaging 9. 3 assists because league the first! Let's imagine a graphic, 40 minutes per game in the Treasury, attack launched lots of times, there are always several ball he wasn't inside outside, but the soccer ball inside, attracted a increase... What will happen subsequently? There was a man he'll tell you the response, curry shoes he called clay - Thompson, from the fantastic state warriors, he made shock as to 211 3-pointers, finished third from the league, and that 211 3-pointers, 68 comes from the assists of Stephen curry.

12-13 year to contrast the shed and ray Allen throughout '05 -' 06 - Allen into 269 3-pointers, and he or she is the Seattle supersonics. That year, Allen's 269 associated with 653 three-point shots, photo 41. 2%, as Stephen : 272 of 600 photographs in his Arsenal, of up to 45. 3%; That calendar year, Alan ball attack build 3 ratio is lower than a quarter, compared having 38. 6% in databases; That year, Allen's assists the phone number 3. 7, less versus Treasury for three allows. So the outline, the image of an alternative 3-pointers hand straight down the garage outline: he not simply completed the sharpshooter qualifications, his teammates for the creation of free-throw opportunities into; He will also look for opportunities as well, through the ball breakthrough, stopped for no assists 3-pointer of shots. Furthermore, he also can cross assists, "create" another pitcher - clay - Thompson! Not simply can catch vote, will also urgent stopped, can produce more opportunities to other folks, this star, unique! I am kd shoes afraid, just use "striker" two words happen to be unable to define Stephen curry, must also be in with a "great" rhetoric.

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